
I believe that all of us know that rest is integral to a healthy lifestyle, but most of us struggle to make rest a priority in our daily lives. We have careers, kids, partners, homes and many other responsibilities that demand our time and attention.

I also believe there is confusion about rest in general. What is rest? Is it getting a good night’s sleep? Research shows that rest and sleep are two different things. So if rest isn’t sleep - what is it?

Bec Heinrich, an executive leadership coach defines rest in her popular Ted Talk as, “The renewing of depleted physical, emotional, mental and spiritual reserves”.

Watch Ms. Heinrich’s Ted Talk here

A long walk with my dog, Juno renews my reserves. So does a conversation with an old friend. You know what else helps me feel rested? Finishing a task that I’ve been putting off. Just like yoga, resting is a daily practice that isn’t one size fits all. The way that one person practices rest may look different than another person’s rest.

In the book Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey, she looks at rest as a daily practice and a form of resistance to what she calls “grind culture”. In her book she says, “Reimagining rest is about more than naps. It’s an ethos of slowing down, connecting, and reimagining…There are not enough words to explain to anyone what deep, tender rest feels like. Rest must be practiced daily until it becomes our foundation.”

Here is a list of ways that we can rest:

  1. Closing your eyes for ten minutes.

  2. A longer shower in silence.

  3. Daydreaming by staring out of a window.

  4. A Sun Salutation.

  5. Praying

  6. Crafting a small altar for your home.

  7. Taking regular breaks from social media.

  8. Not immediately responding to texts and emails.

  9. A meditative walk in nature.

  10. Laughing intensely.

With gratitude,





Beginner’s Mind